Avira Antivir Premium edition provides top quality protection against every type of malware. It includes anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-rootkit and also protects from other malicious software. It lacks only a firewall. But we have powerful firewalls such as Comodo etc. So I recommend you use Firewall+Avira Antivir Premium 181 days free if you have an internet connection.
To get Avira Antivir Premium edition free for six full months then follow these steps :
1. Click here to go to promotion page.
2. Fill in the form. It is in German, so see the image below for English translation.

3. After filling the form click on button Lizenz anfordern.
4. Now go to your email inbox, you'll receive an email from Avira. Click on the link in the email.

5. You'll be forwarded to Avira site, from there you can download the license key (In the image below the download link to the license key is marked in red).

Download Avira Premium edition 8 from here. During installation use the license key and get the ultimate protection of Avira. [via WongSK]
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"if you have an internet connection." ^^
thx nod32 and avira my favorites especialy there suites but this one is also welcom. thx raj
I said "if you have an internet connection" because without internet connection there won't be any hacker attacks or other attacks from internet. So there is no need of firewall.
I noticed that this post is getting information from wongsk blog,also eset smart security.Please be fair to wongsk,at least you must put some information such as via from wongsk blog.
See Dude(sidek) please take a moment to look at at this article
I respect my co-bloggers and I expect the same from them. If they don't respect me in return then why should I respect them? Now see this article and compare them both (Also see the date of the posts).
1. http://pcaddons.blogspot.com/2008/11/kaspersky-antivirus-2009-free.html
2. http://wongsk.blogspot.com/2008/12/free-180-days-product-key-for-kaspersky.html
Now ask yourself and tell me what you'll do if you are in my situation.
Sorry for being stubborn. Today I make changes to this post and the reason will be you! I respect my visitors suggestions. I like my visitors taking part in my work. I faced this type of situation not only with wongSK but also with many bloggers out there.
Thank you! for your valuable suggestion. Please regularly visit my blog.
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